Happy 10th Blogiversary to Irene Latham—A Wild Celebration!

Today I’m helping poet, Irene Latham, celebrate her blogiversary. It’s the BIG 10. Irene’s “one little word” for this year is “wild” so how fitting that she has a Wild Roundup over at her blog. I met Irene online and am wild about her poetry!

In saying congrats to Irene, I want to reshare a poem I wrote which was inspired by rabbit tracks in the wild.Hare_tracks_on_snow

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Happy 10 Blogiversary, Irene 🙂

14 thoughts on “Happy 10th Blogiversary to Irene Latham—A Wild Celebration!

  1. I love that “frosty-fonted farewell”! J. Patrick Lewis, I think, has a poem inspired by a tracks in the snow in Jane Yolen’s Once Upon Ice. And I have “Tracks” in BookSpeak. There’s something about that temporary evidence, like a shadow with no object to cast it, that inspires poetry, isn’t there? Love your wonderful poem!

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  2. Penny, you had me at “hopping hieroglyphics.” I shall never think of rabbit tracks again without remembering those words! Now I am feeling all frisky and frosty…. and GRATEFUL. Thank you for sharing this poem! So happy to know you. xo

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