Power Down, Little Robot-Perfect Picture Book Friday

Info Alert: Robots have a bedtime, too! Yes, they do! And little robots, like little kids, will do their best to avoid it. You must read this book! Adorable!
power down little robotPower Down, Little Robot
Written by by Anna Staniszewski
Illustrated by Tim Zeltner
Henry Holt and Co. 2015
Ages 2-6
Themes: Bedtime, robots

Synopsis: It’s time to power down for the night, but Little Robot isn’t ready! He quickly opens his stalling program. Luckily, Mom Unit knows exactly how to get him into his sleep module.

“Bedtime, my little robot!” Mom Unit calls.
I quickly open my stalling program.
“I’m thirsty. Can I have a can of oil?” I ask.
“You’ve already gone over your daily limit,” Mom Unit says. “It’s time to power down for the night.”

Don’t miss the fun book trailer.

Resources: Click HERE for sleepy time tips and a printable door hanger. And I had some ideas of my own to enhance sharing this book with children.
1. Create a matching game by drawing pictures on cards. Another option is to snap photos of the items in the book and photos of your child’s corresponding item. Instead of a matching game, this could easily be a discussion between parent and child.
Can of Oil-Drink of Water
Brush Cogs-Brush Teeth
Read Manual-Read Book
Robot Toy-Stuffed Animal or Blanket
Circuit Hurts-Tummy Ache
Sleep Module-Bed

2. After reading, go through the book again, looking at illustrations and noting how things are similar, but different to our world. Compare food, toys, house, mom, little robot’s, bed, etc.

Why I Like This Book: Let’s face it, bedtime stories have been around forever and are hugely popular. What delights me about Power Down, Little Robot is Anna Staniszewski‘s fresh approach. She takes all the excuses a child makes and translates to “robot”. She does it with a sweet humor that stays with me and brings me back to read and read again. I fell in love with Little Robot  and Mom Unit. I’ll bet you will, too 🙂

Susanna Leonard Hill features Perfect Picture Book Friday on her blog. This is a wonderful resource if you are wondering what books to give as gifts, needing material for a lesson, or just looking for a great book to read. Here is a list of books by category. Each book listed has a link to a review, information about that book, and resources for activities. There is also an alphabetical list.

31 thoughts on “Power Down, Little Robot-Perfect Picture Book Friday

  1. This looks like our kind of book! My son was trying to convince me he was actually a robot just the other day. 🙂 Thank you for the recommendation. I’m looking forward to reading it with him.


  2. If I ever have a house robot, I sure hope he doesn’t have a bedtime! SOMEONE has to do all the work around here! But the sounds in the text you present are delightful – must give the fellow a chance!

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