A Great Nephew & A Great Aunt-Change in Programming

Hi Everyone! We just wanted to let you know that there is going to be a change in programming! Landon and I have gotten so wrapped up in family and the fun of the holidays that we have decided to skip this week and bring you our next episode next year!

Landon and Penny WrappedFeel welcome to browse through previous episodes šŸ™‚

Episode 1: An Adventuresome Moose
Episode 2: Robot Repair
Episode 3: OUCH!
Episode 4: Frolicking Foliage
Episode 5: Trick-or-Treats
Episode 6: Peach Pie
Episode 7: Leftover Turkey
Episode 8: Crumbled

Thanks so much for stopping by. We hope all of you get wrapped up with family and fun during the holidays, too!

See you in 2015 with a new episode!

5 thoughts on “A Great Nephew & A Great Aunt-Change in Programming

  1. LOVE the pics, Penny. They are supercalifragilisticexpialidociously fun to look at. You have got to be the BEST auntie in the world!

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