A to Z Poetry Challenge Day 22-Vampire Verse

It is Day 22 of our A to Z Poetry Challenge. Today is the letter “V”. “V” is for a lot of things…but Renee LaTulippe over at No Water River is all about “V” for Video. She has the most wonderful Poetry Video Library. Make sure you visit…you won’t want to leave. Also, make sure you don’t miss her interview. Our incredible organizer, Rena Traxel asked all the right questions, and Renee gave all the right answers. On top of that, Renee shares her own poem, Ugly Pants.

Rena challenged us to write a poem about a vampire, keeping in mind all the performance tips that Renee shared with us. I wrote two very short poems.


Little Vampires

Little vampires out at night

Sharp, sharp fangs. Bite, bite, bite.

Little vampires sleep all day

Sweet, sweet dreams of a neck buffet.








End the beating

15 thoughts on “A to Z Poetry Challenge Day 22-Vampire Verse

  1. I second Lori, I love the “neck buffet”. I also think the “bite, bite, bite” would be fun to act out when reading this poem aloud to others. I tried to write an vampire acrostic and couldn’t think of anything so I think it’s great you came up with one that uses strong words.


  2. I love the contrast in these Penny and I am a big fan of short and sweet. These are awesome. You are so good at introducing people too 🙂


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